Art in Rhythm - a frame for the discussions

Music, dance, and rhythm offer possibilities for a deep learning. Music has a dynamic force. It connects body and heart, gives a pleasure and joy, stimulates and soothes us, brings us well-being, gives us energy — it even helps plants to grow faster.

The question we raise in this frame for the conference is: How can we use music in a professional manner to enhance a learning program, or to deepen the self-organizing process in groups and in organizations?

The exciting frame-program with Art in Rhythm suggests valuable ways to use music in productive training and learning. We invite participants simply to engage in this program and thereby discover who we "really are." Music will serve as a metaphor for a creative connection with your environment in which the conversations about the themes of the conference will be expanded — and include the learning of learning, the organization of organizations, and networking of networks.

Heinz von Foerster had a lifelong intensive connection with Music, including Joseph Mattias Hauer's 12 tone music, and later, at BCL with Herbert Brün. The connection between music and language as modes of relationship will certainly be considered at this conference.

Presented by Marc van Roon and Joshua Samson, Art in Rhythm at Work.