Aartje Hulstein's Workshop: Touch as a Listening Tool

12 Aug 2011 - 16:30

As a physiotherapist I learned to listen to other people’s body and their movement by touch, looking and sensing.

This, over the years, has developed into a conversational approach, not knowing the answer, but exploring possibilities through mutual feed back on the experience, after careful and open listening.

In this workshop we will explore touch and movement as a way to listen to each other.

This will be a ‘hands on’ experience, with 2 or 3 people working together and giving feed back on what they feel, when touching and being touched. We will work on back and shoulders, with clothes on.

The questions that come to my mind now are:

  • How do those experiences compare and does the feedback enrich the experience.
  • Is it possible to change the quality of the touch.
  • Can I feel a difference when someone else touches me or I touch someone else.

Using touch we will also explore what it means to move someone and to be moved.

Discovering and respecting boundaries will be the context in which we work.

Workshop facilitator: Aartje Hulstein
Workshop duration: 1 hour

You can sign up for this event below (not more than once, please. You need to log on to this website first to access the sign-up interface). If you signed up and you would like to cancel, please email the ASC Secretary.

This workshop will be conducted in parallel with Elizabeth Simpson’s second workshop, Mark Johnson’s workshop and Andrew Owen Brightman’s workshop. Please choose one to take part in and do not sign up for more of these four workshops. You may mention your second choice out of these four workshops in the comment box below to mark where you would like to go if this workshop is under- or over-subscribed.

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