This page addresses Frequently Asked Questions and is expected to grow as questions are received and answered repeatedly.
Question: I want to attend the conference, but I havent’ registered yet. Can I register on site? Where exactly?
Answer: It will be possible to register at the conference if you haven’t formally done so before arriving. You will register online and pay conference fees by credit card. Phillip Guddemi, the ASC’s Vice President for Membership, can assist you. If you have registered online you can pick up a badge and conference materials at the ticket desk in the EMPAC lobby. On the 29th, Registration will be in Studio Two – where the ASC meetings are held. Registration on the evening of July 30th and on July 31st will be in the Upper Lobby of EMPAC at the ticket desk. Registration at other times will be on a individual basis and will take place between, but not during, conference events. Ask to speak to Phillip Guddemi.
Question: How do I pay for lodging, food and/or parking?
Answer: Lodging, Food and Parking can be paid for when registering for your room. For those who are staying off-campus, you may pay for food and parking at the offices listed below under lodging. This includes the Conference Dinner.
Question: What do I need to do to access my booked on-campus lodging at Blitman Residence Commons?
Answer: You will be able to confirm and pay for the rooms by credit card. Cash payments will be accepted if correct amounts are offered, but especially at late hours, the Conference Services office is not set-up to handle cash transactions. There is a $35 key deposit that is required. This will be refunded with the return of the key and ID card on checkout at Warren Hall. Telephones will be activated in the rooms for local calls only. Conference participants with disabilities or special requirements for housing should contact ocs@rpi.edu.
Register for Lodging at the Conference Services Office at Warren Hall between 8:30AM and 11:00PM (23:00).
Additionally, registration is available directly at Blitman Commons on Wednesday evening July 28th from 5:00-9:00PM (17:00-21:00) on Saturday between 8:30AM and 5:00PM (17:00) at the desk in the lobby. The bus will also be available Friday July 30th from 6-10PM (18:00-22:00).
At other times call (518) 276-7459, and arrangements will be made to assist you with lodging. If you anticipate a late arrival, or if your travel plans are delayed, please contact the housing office at this number to insure that a room can be made available for you when you arrive.
Warren hall is a one kilometer walk from Warren Hall. You may choose to taxi to that location first because Blitman and EMPAC are over level ground or downhill. Alternatively, if you come to EMPAC first, there is a coatroom where you could leave suitcases. However, this can not be staffed at all times and you must assume the risk for leaving things there.
Question: Can I access the Internet during the conference?
Answer: Yes. Ethernet access can be turned on in each room at Blitman Commons by prior arrangement for a $15 charge. You must supply your own cable. It takes at least a day for this to become active and so anticipate your need s appropriately, and make arrangements by emailing ocs@rpi.edu. The last opportunity for this will be Thursday July 29th. Wireless will be available in EMPAC. Conference etiquette suggests that you may use it during session intermissions only. Also, open Ethernet ports are available in the student union.
Question: Will there be food?
Answer: Meals are available on campus during the main conference in on-campus dining facilities. Tickets for the various meals can be purchased when registering for lodging or at the offices and times listed above if you are staying elsewhere. Breakfast will be served at Blitman Commons on the Saturday, Sunday, and Monday mornings from 7:00 to 8:15. The cost is $7.15. Lunch will be served at the Russell Sage Dining Hall per the conference schedule and costs $9.95, dinners will be served in the same facility and cost $10.95. The Conference Dinner on Monday night will be in the banquet room at the Sage Dining Hall and costs $45 including beverages. On other days food can be found in several locations on or near campus. A map will be provided in the conference booklet indicating a variety of nearby restaurants.
Question: Will there be parking space available?
Answer: Parking is available in the parking lot at Blitman Commons for $7/day. You may purchase a tag at the Housing Office for the days you will be here. Parking in a garage near EMPAC will be available at no cost on Friday evening from 4-11PM (23:00) and on Saturday and Sunday from 7AM to 10PM (22:00). At other times, this lot is not available. However, conference participants with special needs should contact Ted Krueger to make appropriate arrangements for access to the building.
Question: What kinds of transportation will be available in and around RPI and Troy?
Answer: Bus
Blitman Commons is located near the downtown. EMPAC is on the hill nearby. It is a short walk but involves a change in elevation of about 200 feet (60M). On the main conference days, a shuttle bus will run from Blitman Commons to EMPAC from 7:30-8:15 each morning, and run to and from EMPAC at 6:30-7:30 (18:30-19:30) and at 9:00-10:00 (21:00-22:00) in the evening. In addition the Bus will run Friday from 6-10PM (18:00-22:00).
There is a stair just behind the Commons that rises to 8th Street. It is a short walk to the building and it is possible to enter EMPAC from 8th Street. There are yet more stairs within EMPAC that will move you from Level 2 to Level 7, but they are inside, air conditioned, and in a beautiful space.
Taxis from the Albany Airport are available in the taxi stand outside the terminal and typically cost about $23/person. Taxis from the Albany/Rensselaer train station available in the taxi stand outside the station and typically cost about $22/person. Get a quote for the fare from the driver first. Usually the second passenger to the same destination is a very reduced fare, but there is an additional per passenger charge.
Question: I would like to bring video material to be screened during the conference. Is this possible?
Answer: We will try to make this possible but the management of the conference venue who is in charge of the screening equipment has strict technical specifications for AV material. Please make your video material available as soon as you can to Jennifer Kanary Nikolov(a) at jenniferkanary@yahoo.com, who will handle all communication about them, as well as compile them into loops. It may be practical to send smaller files via email. Large files should be made available for Web downloading or be brought along to the conference on a portable medium such as a CD-ROM, a USB stick or a USB hard drive. The material must be in .mov format, using compressor H264, running at a data rate of up to 3000 kb/sec and using AAC format for audio. If you supply your video material in any other format it will most likely be impossible to screen it during C:ADM2010.