Roy Ascott

Roy Ascott

Roy Ascott

Roy Ascott is an artist and theorist whose research is invested in cybernetics, technoetics, telematics, and syncretism. His international exhibitions range from the Venice Biennale to Ars Electronica. His retrospective exhibition, The Syncretic Sense, was shown at Plymouth Art Centre in 2009, then in Korea in 2010 at the Incheon International Digital Art Festival, and  in London  at  SPACE May/June 2011. His theoretical work is widely published, translated, and referenced. He is the founding president of the Planetary Collegium, an international platform for art, technology and consciousness research, based in Plymouth University, with nodes in Milan and Zürich. He has held senior academic positions in San Francisco, Los Angeles,  Minneapolis, Vienna and Toronto,  and is an Honorary Professor of Aalborg University, Copenhagen, and Thames Valley University London. He lectures worldwide. He has advised media art institutions in Australia, Europe, Japan, Korea, South America, and the USA. He edits Technoetic Arts and is an Honorary Editor of Leonardo.

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