Marcelo Pakman

Marcelo Pakman

Marcelo Pakman

Dr. Marcelo Pakman was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he completed his early studies and graduated as a Medical Doctor. He has lived in Western Massachusetts since 1989. A community psychiatrist, psychotherapist and family therapist, he has accompanied a prolonged systemically based clinical practice with the development of articulations among critical theory, philosophy, epistemology on one hand, and clinical practices in psychotherapy and mental health, on the other. He is a member of the editorial board of many professional journals in North and South America and Europe, and has written many articles and chapters of books published in English, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese. He was Chair of the Human Rights Committee and Vice-president of the American Family Therapy Academy, and Vice-president of the American Society for Cybernetics. Adjunct Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences at the Polytechnic University of Hong-Kong (2004-2009). Dr. Pakman is lecturer and invited professor who has frequently given seminars, workshops, courses in more than 80 cities of North and South America, Europe and Asia. He is the Spanish Editor of collected works of Heinz von Foerster (Las semillas de la Cibernetica, Editorial Gedisa, Barcelona, 1991). His book Palabras que permanecen, palabras por venir: micropolitica y poetica en psicoterapia (Words that remain, words to come: micropolitics and poetics in psychotherapy) was published in February of 2011 (Gedisa, Barcelona).

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