Mark Johnson’s Details

Reader, University of Bolton


Mark Johnson

Mark Johnson

Biographical Info: Originally trained as a musician, I am reader in educational technology at the University of Bolton’s Institute for Educational Cybernetics. As the department name implies, I am interested in the organisational aspects of learning technology – particularly as it relates to our understanding of ‘the person’ and the ecological relationship between people, institutions and technology. I have a particular fondness for the work of Stafford Beer, Niklas Luhmann and Gregory Bateson. Outside cybernetics, I am very interested in Rom Harre’s work on Positioning Theory, and I am fascinated by the tension between constructivism and philosophical realism – particularly as articulated by Roy Bhaskar. I have been recently doing a lot of Agent-based modelling using NetLogo to explore theoretical ideas associated with Harre, Luhmann and Beer.

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