Michael Hohl’s Statement of Interest

What i am looking for: I want to learn about all the different ways of listening. Until now i mostly thought of listing in the sense of ‘mindfulness’, paying attention to the sounds that surround us. Last year i realised a new dimension: Making an effort to understand people. This is an active process. If we do not make an effort to understand, we will not understand.

My interests: Listening was a topic at the heart of my Phd research. I wish i could have spent more time on it. Admittedly the dimension of listening i was exploring in my thesis was more related to a John Cage’s or Stockhausen’s ways of ‘listening’, where we learn to become consciously aware of environmental sounds. Needless to say i also am interested in conversational ‘listening’ in which minds connect.

What i may contribute: Some thoughts on the role of listening (the conference’s listening) in the different stages of research.

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